Reliable weather information at your fingertips
HydroNET RainWATCH consists of three web applications that provide easy access to available data from weather stations, radar, satellites and weather forecasts via your web browser. Additional tools include exporting time series data to your hydrologic/hydraulic models, uploading specific spatial files to calculate catchment area rainfall averages and determining the severity of rainfall events in real-time via your Water Control Room.
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Don’t miss the storm between your gauges
Combine and visualise historical and real-time rainfall information for any location. This also includes areas between gauges thanks to the smart combination of point (weather stations) and gridded data from satellites and radars. The RainMap contains smart tools to optimally benefit from the best available rainfall information to make WeatherSmart decisions. Read more
Weather Stations
Direct access to weather stations
Provides direct access to real-time and historical data from all available weathers stations. The application automatically collects gauge data and makes it accessible via an interactive map. Select the period, the stations and variables you are interested in and receive the requested information as a graph, picture or in an Excel file. Read more
Weather Forecast
Be prepared for the storm and benefit from the weather to come
The Weather Forecast application provides online access to the weather forecasts from your national weather services and the best available global models such as GFS and ECMWF incorporated into an interactive geographical map. The weather forecast is available for any location in the country. Read more